Friday, September 19, 2014

Five for Friday

I know that I sent home Friday Folders and that they were filled with papers and the newsletter and that students had written family journal notes, too, but today I feel like sharing 5 Fabulous Things about my day!

#1 - It is fabulous to have a talented and energetic teacher share an apple and a smile on a Friday morning. Thank you, Mrs. Strobush.

#2 - It is FUN to have a mentor who is willing to run out at lunch to VERY QUICKLY get ice cream on a Friday (no that is not good for my diet or my stress levels, but the apple that I ate after school balances it out....maybe).  Thank you, Mrs. Stimpson.

#3 - It is FANTASTIC to have all my spelling posttests scored and in the gradebook before 5 o'clock on Friday Night.   Thank you, Spelling City.

#4 - It is fortunate for us to have 2 high school aids.  Our classroom was pretty quiet near the end of the school day today.  This was especially enjoyable since it was a Friday and we aren't this quiet even on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.  While the high school aids are pretty good about going with the flow, I am not sure what happened today.  It might have been some of the Friday Fun but there was definitely something when Nate came in at the end of the day.  The kids were very excited to get to have a picture taken with him.  Nate and Tyler, we hope you win your football game tonight!  We are fortunate to have you in our classroom each day.  Thanks for all you do.
#5 - Family Time and Fun Fall Weekends - I am excited to have this weekend to spend with my own 2 kiddos and husband.  We are heading to a wedding tomorrow and I am loving these cooler temps.  I know that this family time will help me to refresh my spirit so that I am ready for all that the next week brings!

Take time to celebrate what's so fabulous this Friday.   Leave me a comment to let me know something fabulous about your Friday!


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