Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Feeling is More Powerful

Because we are a basketball family (not me as much as the rest of the fam), forgive me for using a basketball connection here.  Do you know who Coach Krzyzewski is?  Let's just call him Coach K, shall we? I have always been a "follower" of Coach K.  Many years ago I had a group of 5th graders who were Duke Fans.  We would occasionally pull up college basketball games during work time at the end of the day just to see how the Duke team was doing.  We were really watching Coach K.  Coach K is so much more than just a coach.  What you may not know about Coach K is that he attended West Point and after some time away he returned to coach there.  Coach K knew that hearing about West Point wasn't always enough.  He said, "You can't talk about this place, see a movie about this place - you have to feel this place. You go to a place like this, you get it."  I think Winskill and Lancaster Community Schools is like that right now.  People are talking about Lancaster Community Schools and Winskill.  #ArrowPride and #WinskillPride are all over Twitter and Facebook.  It's a great place to be.  You know what's better than reading about what's happening at Winskill?  You know what's better than listening to what's being said?  FEELING the message.  Visit Winskill and you will FEEL the pride and enthusiasm.  Thanks to all who have made me FEEL what Winskill Pride is!  It's going to be a great year.

Our First Day Video

1 comment:

  1. You are so right, Margaret! It truly is something you need to experience for yourself- and aren't we the lucky ones? We get to do that every single day! #BestJobEver
