Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Get to Know the Teacher - Mrs. Bussan

This is a very difficult post to write... Strange I know 
since I am the thing that I know best about!  It's always hard for me to talk about myself, but I will give it my best shot.

I graduated from Thomson High School in 1994.  Thomson, IL, is a small town in the northwestern corner of the state.  I spent my first summer after high school at DePaul University as a Golden Apple Scholar.  For 6 weeks that summer I worked in the Chicago Public Schools Extended School Year Program.  My job was in a classroom of 6 autistic boys that ranged in age from 4 to 7.  When school began that fall I went to Western Illinois University in Macomb, IL.  I enjoyed the small town feel of WIU and I felt very prepared for my classroom experiences as a pre-service teacher.  My second summer of college was again spent at DePaul.  I loved the chance to explore the city while learning more about instruction and teaching.  Summer Institutes were a great opportunity to learn more than what other education majors learned during their university coursework.  I was truly blessed to be a Golden Apple Scholar.

All through college I would work weekends and long breaks at Happy Joe's Pizza and Ice Cream Parlor in Galena, IL.  When I graduated from college and began teaching I was lucky enough to be teaching just 12 miles from Galena so that I could continue to work weekends at Happy Joe's.  

In July of 2000, I married Roger.  He had just graduated from college and was starting his career in business management.  His first job was as the general manager of the Galena Happy Joe's where we first met.  My husband, Roger, and I now own a Happy Joe's but it isn't in Illinois. 
In May of 2002, we took a leap of faith and moved to Lancaster, WI, so that Roger could own and operate the Happy Joe's there.  I continued to teach in Illinois at River Ridge.  In April of 2004, our daughter, Kate, was born.  She will be starting 5th grade at Winskill this fall.  In April of 2006, our son, Will, was born.  For the first time ever all 3 of us will be at the same school.  What's even more exciting for me is that we will all be on the 2nd floor of Winskill.  Will is in 3rd grade, I'm in 4th, and Kate is in 5th grade.  Even though this will be my first year teaching in Wisconsin, I bring to the classroom 16 years of experience
Now for the fun stuff......
These are a few of my favorite things....
My family, Diet orange sunkist sodapop, running, reading, learning, purple pens, and Lucky Charms cereal.

If you weren't a teacher, what would you want to be?
I love technology and I have a strong interest in reading so I think I'd be a librarian.  If that weren't an option,  I would love to be a nutritionist or health educator.

Three little words that describe you.
Compassionate, loyal, ambitious.

Finish the sentence, "___________________," said no teacher ever!
There just isn't enough paperwork.

It's your birthday and you can invite anyone (dead or alive) to the party.  Who are you inviting?
Patricia Polacco and Jodi Piccoult
(just 2 of my many favorite authors)

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?
Smiles while Running and Reading
(that might have to change.  this question was a tough one to answer.)

You get to pick one superpower.  What is it?
Exceptional Empathy
(maybe that isn't a real superpower but I would like be able to sense how others are feeling and be able to help them feel better whenever they need it.)

Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Hands-down a morning person.  I love going to bed before 9 pm and getting up at 4 am.

Share something we might not know about you!
Hmmm.  I have a hard time sitting through movies.  I don't sit still very well at all and so even though I want to watch a number of movies, I probably never will because I can't sit long enough to see the whole thing.

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  1. I love that your kids are going to school with you! Mine came with me all the way K-6th grade! I even had them both for a social studies class in third grade. Enjoy those times. My son just graduated high school, and my daughter is a junior. It went by fast!

    1. Oh, Julie, how quickly the time does go. We are looking forward to having this year together. Is your son going away to college this fall? Have a great day!
