Sunday, November 1, 2020

October Reflection and November Goals


What a perfect day for a Gratitude 10K!  I am so thankful to kick off November with 6.2 miles in the sunshine!

I didn't want to begin my October reflection without a HAPPY HALLOWEEN from my awesomely spooky crew :-)

It seems like today was the perfect combination of things to allow for a little extra reflection.  With the time change, a Sunday, and the first day of a new month, I am thinking back and planning ahead.  

When October began, I looked back at September and saw how inactive I had been (according to my Garmin).  I felt like I would feel better and be more productive overall if I worked on getting in more exercise for the month of October.  I needed a way to "measure" that so I set a measurable goal of getting more days in that met my step goal.  
In September I only met my goal 15 of the days (50%).  My goal for October was to hit 75%.  I met the goal 24/31 days for 77%!!!!!   WooHoo!  Proud of that.  Now I am going to improve on that same goal for November.  If I can meet my step goal 25 out of the 30 days in November, I will be at 83%.  I will work toward that number one day at a time.

I spent quite a few hours at the soccer fields during October and I am so thankful that I got to!!!  When the school year began there were many unknowns and sports (specifically soccer) were one of those things that we just weren't sure about.  Thankfully, Kate got 6 games (one is coming up on Saturday) and I am so glad that she did!  

In the classroom I got to share The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and The Ghost With Red Hair with the 5th graders and those 2 stories are so much fun for me.  I hope they enjoyed them as much as I did!

I enjoyed time with a friend a couple of times for miles and smiles.

While social gatherings are not happening like they used to, I am always reminded that we are not meant to go through struggles alone.  So thankful for family and friends that stick by me even during my quiet moments.

October was a good month and I am confident that November will be even better!

Set some goals for November and do the work to make yourself proud!


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