Sunday, November 8, 2020

Miles of Gratitude

 Gratitude Miles Today - Nov 8

6.2 Miles

Mile 1 - Health 

I am so thankful that my body allows me to run (mostly walk lately). I am happier when I get miles in.  This mile turned in to gratitude for healthcare workers as I ran past Grant Regional Hospital.  I cannot imagine what life has been like for those on the front lines working so hard to help people stay well.  Thank you to all those that I never see but who are working so hard for the health of all of us right now.

Mile 2 - School and Education

Mile 2 was around the elementary school where I teach.  I reflected on many of my own school experiences.  I am thankful that school has always been something I have loved.  What a privilege it is that I have been able to advance my education past a high school diploma, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and more.  No one can take away the things we “know” but I also love that I am always learning new things and working to improve.

Mile 3 - Music

Music definitely helps me get my miles in. Sometimes I choose pop music while other times I choose country music.  Today I chose Matthew West Radio on Spotify and I was truly touched by the words in the song “Confidence” by Sanctus Real.  These words spoke to me and I know that they will be part of my prayers moving forward:  “Give me faith like Daniel in the lion’s den. Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness. Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense. So I can face my giants with confidence.”  I am grateful for the talent of artists who create music that speaks to my heart.

Mile 4 - Challenges

I thought about quitting early.  I set out for a 10K (6.2) but when I got to City Limits Road, I thought about heading home.  That’s no way to get better.  I am grateful for the challenges that help me improve.  There are many challenges but the ability to persevere is a gift that I hope my kids see in me.  When things get hard, I don’t want to quit.  It’s the hard things that will make me better.  I am grateful for challenges.

Mile 5 - Beauty

The sun was coming up out toward Hwy 129 - absolutely stunning. The fields and the soft glow were beautiful.  As I was back in the residential area, I loved noticing the decorations in yards and even different ways that  houses were decorated. There is so much beauty in nature, too. Noticing and acknowledging things that were different helps us see the beauty even in the ordinary.  I am grateful for the opportunity to find beauty in every day.

Mile 6 - Food

By my 6th mile I really just kept thinking about what I was going to eat for breakfast when I got home.  That one doesn’t quite fit with all the others but it’s just what helped me get the miles in.  I thought about how I would eat a bowl of cereal today. Thank goodness for the food that fuels me daily to heave the energy to do all the things I want to and need to.  I am grateful for food.

During this month of Thanksgiving, I am enjoying the deeper reflection on what I am thankful for.  I love taking the time to count my blessings.  They truly are growing as I name them!


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