It’s Thanksgiving Week! Our family plans have changed numerous times and it looks like we are staying home and celebrating with just the 4 of us. No big Turkey Trot race but the kids have agreed to run with me on Thanksgiving morning. Will says we can run 5 miles but Kate is trying to convince us to stick to a 5K. I vote a 5 mile in the morning and a 5K in the evening. Today’s run was a combo of run/walk miles. I would run a song and then walk a song. I attempted to switch to running 2 songs, walk 1 but just wasn’t feeling it.
Mile 1 - Health
All 4 of us in the house have stayed healthy this fall and that is something I am thankful for. Even more thankful is that my mom has been well. This week she texted and said that we couldn’t come to her house for Thanksgiving. I was really sad but then I realized that keeping everyone healthy is most important. I am healthy enough to run and move each day.
Mile 2 - Happiness (I promise this is different from my mile 2 - Hope/Optimism from last week)
I love seeing my kids happy. This weekend WIll has been hunting and Kate had a couple of basketball things. I don’t really understand either of those things but I know that both of my kiddos are happy. Mile 2 was all about how happiness leads to action. I need my running and walking miles to show my kids how to chase their own dreams and find their own happiness.
Mile 3 - Family
With this being a holiday week, I keep thinking about many of the family memories from Thanksgiving's past. We won’t be seeing family this year but I spent this mile thinking about my family in Illinois, Indiana, California, and Virginia. Hoping that we can connect virtually with some this week and make plans for in person celebrations in 2021.
Mile 4 - Night and Day
I definitely did not get up early enough to see the sunrise today and I am glad that I didn’t. Sleeping in is something that I rarely do but today it was nice to have no alarms set. As I was out on City Limits Road I heard the words by Macklemore, “I made it through the darkest part of night, and now I see the sunrise. Now I feel glorious, glorious. I feel glorious, glorious.”
Last night we turned on our outside Christmas lights. One of these days we will run at night again and enjoy the lights all through town.
I love that EVERY day I get to go through the light and then the dark. It’s such a great reminder to me that everything is temporary. Life feels hard lately but I know that it won’t feel like this forever. I’m trying to take things one day at a time and today the morning sun was truly GLORIOUS.
Mile 5 - Inspiration from Others
One of my dear inspirational friends had surgery last week. I’ve been praying for her and as I was running mile 5 today I thought about how inspirational my friend and fitness crew really is. Even when we cannot be together to get our miles in, I am inspired by Donna, Michelle, Michelle, Jackie, Lisa, Steena, Rosa - I miss seeing you in person.
Stacy - thanks for all the motivation and guidance you have provided me.
Kaiti - you inspire me daily and I am so grateful for your running plans.
I am so lucky to have an inspirational #ffcrew and #zoomarunclub, too.
Mile 6 (and .2) - MOMENTS for ME
I had many moments during my run where I thought about just walking but I had walked yesterday. Today I needed to push myself. I need this running time just for me - to make me stronger, happier, and complete. When I feel tired, it would be easy not to run or walk but I always feel better when I get out there. I get more done at home once I put in the work with my miles.
If you are looking for some motivation to get miles (or any exercise) in from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day, follow @fellowflowers to join their #ffholidaychallenge.