Monday, November 30, 2020

End of the November Reflection

 If you had to rate your November on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, what would you rate it?   I would give my month a 9.  It was a GOOD month for many reasons.  I worked toward a few small goals and am proud of the work I did with those.  School remained in person and we got a surprise snow day so both of those things made me feel good about November.  There weren't any huge, earth shattering memory making moments in November but we were able to have a few family game nights again.  Thanksgiving was very different from our usual celebration but it was really enjoyable.  

The week of Thanksgiving I shared the book Balloons Over Broadway with my students and I loved digging into the life of puppeteer Tony Sarg and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  

It made watching the parade on Thanksgiving Day have a little more purpose.  Did you watch?  I loved hearing from students today about things they saw and loved in the parade.

My goals at the beginning of November had to do with really stepping up my activity.  My goal was to hit my Garmin Step goal 25 out of 30 days.   I am happy to report that I exceeded that with 26/30 or 87%.
I hope to keep the momentum going in December.  I really do think anything over 80% is good and since December has 31 days, even 25 days would be 81% so my goal is to meet the Garmin step goal for 25 days.  

My eating was pretty dialed in for the first 3 weeks of the month.  I have been doing protein shakes for breakfast and broccoli for lunch each week day and I plan to continue those habits.  Dinner varies but I have been able to limit my snacking and have really enjoyed the smooth cottage cheese for my after school snack. 

It's time for the Fellow Flowers Holiday Challenge and that always helps me keep my exercise consistent from Thanksgiving through New Year's Day.  Today was Day 5 and I am loving seeing all the amazing ladies just killin' it for 30 minutes every day.

Now let's set make December the best month of the year!
Goals-  shakes for breakfast, veggies for lunch, protein for snack, and a reasonable dinner each day.
Keep logging what I eat with MyFitnessPal.
Meet my step goal at least 25 days this month.
Do some other fun workouts...maybe lift a few weights or add 8 Minute Abs back into my routine.

I really enjoyed my gratitude miles each week on November so I am going to find a way to continue to reflect on gratitude during my runs, too.  

If you've read this far, THANKS!  Here's to a DAZZLING December.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Thanksgiving Week - Gratitude Miles

It’s Thanksgiving Week!  Our family plans have changed numerous times and it looks like we are staying home and celebrating with just the 4 of us.  No big Turkey Trot race but the kids have agreed to run with me on Thanksgiving morning.  Will says we can run 5 miles but Kate is trying to convince us to stick to a 5K.   I vote a 5 mile in the morning and a 5K in the evening.

 Today’s run was a  combo of run/walk miles.  I would run a song and then walk a song. I attempted to switch to running 2 songs, walk 1 but just wasn’t feeling it. 

Mile 1 - Health

All 4 of us in the house have stayed healthy this fall and that is something I am thankful for.  Even more thankful is that my mom has been well.  This week she texted and said that we couldn’t come to her house for Thanksgiving.  I was really sad but then I realized that keeping everyone healthy is most important.  I am healthy enough to run and move each day.

Mile 2 - Happiness (I promise this is different from my mile 2 - Hope/Optimism from last week)

I love seeing my kids happy.  This weekend WIll has been hunting and Kate had a couple of basketball things.  I don’t really understand either of those things but I know that both of my kiddos are happy.  Mile 2 was all about how happiness leads to action.  I need my running and walking miles to show my kids how to chase their own dreams and find their own happiness.

Mile 3 - Family

With this being a holiday week, I keep thinking about many of the family memories from Thanksgiving's past.  We won’t be seeing family this year but I spent this mile thinking about my family in Illinois, Indiana, California, and Virginia.  Hoping that we can connect virtually with some this week and make plans for in person celebrations in 2021.

Mile 4 - Night and Day

I definitely did not get up early enough to see the sunrise today and I am glad that I didn’t.  Sleeping in is something that I rarely do but today it was nice to have no alarms set.  As I was out on City Limits Road I heard the words by Macklemore, “I made it through the darkest part of night, and now I see the sunrise.  Now I feel glorious, glorious.  I feel glorious, glorious.”  

Last night we turned on our outside Christmas lights. One of these days we will run at night again and enjoy the lights all through town.  

I love that EVERY day I get to go through the light and then the dark.  It’s such a great reminder to me that everything is temporary.  Life feels hard lately but I know that it won’t feel like this forever.  I’m trying to take things one day at a time and today the morning sun was truly GLORIOUS.

Mile 5 - Inspiration from Others

One of my dear inspirational friends had surgery last week.  I’ve been praying for her and as I was running mile 5 today I thought about how inspirational my friend and fitness crew really is. Even when we cannot be together to get our miles in, I am inspired by Donna, Michelle, Michelle, Jackie, Lisa, Steena, Rosa - I miss seeing you in person.

Stacy - thanks for all the motivation and guidance you have provided me.

Kaiti - you inspire me daily and I am so grateful for your running plans.

I am so lucky to have an inspirational #ffcrew and #zoomarunclub, too.  

Mile 6 (and .2) - MOMENTS for ME

I had many moments during my run where I thought about just walking but I had walked yesterday.  Today I needed to push myself.  I need this running time just for me - to make me stronger, happier, and complete. When I feel tired, it would be easy not to run or walk but I always feel better when I get out there. I get more done at home once I put in the work with my miles.

If you are looking for some motivation to get miles (or any exercise) in from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day, follow @fellowflowers to join their #ffholidaychallenge.  

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Middle of the Month Miles of Gratitude


Here we are, halfway through November.  I got in a few (5 to be exact) gratitude miles this weekend.  They were a combo of run/walk miles.  I would run a song and then walk a song.  

Mile 1 - Smiles

I love smiles and I miss being able to see them regularly.  I thought about how this past year has been an experience for me and my smile with my clear correct.  I want people to see my smile….it’s finally relatively straight after 15 years of having a crazy crooked bottom row.  I know people say that you can see the smiles in the eyes, but I miss seeing the teeth!  I often smile during the school day.  I think I teach better with a smile and it’s something that makes me - me - My big ol’ toothy, gummy smile.  Mile 1 was a celebration of smiles.

Mile 2 - Hope/Optimism

I tend to think positively most of the time.  Each week that I get to teach in person I get more and more excited about how things are going so well.  I tend to be one of those people who is always believing in the bright side of things.  Mile 2 was all about thinking about how the challenges of the past week and what may happen in the next few weeks as opportunities.  What could I do if…. And It would be really fun to try…..  Hope for what will be.

Mile 3 - Travel

Mile 3’s songs were Hunter Hayes songs and those always take me back to our most recent trip (April 2018) to Nashville.  It’s pretty safe to say that I am a homebody but I am thankful for the travel that we have been able to do.  While I don’t know where or when we will get to go places again, I am thankful for the travel we have done.   This mile tied right into mile 4.

Mile 4 - Memories

Oh what memories I have from vacations with my family growing up to even the Disney Cruise to celebrate my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary.  I appreciate experiences and need to focus on those memories.  I tried to decide what my favorite memory is and I decided that it’s always the next one that we are going to make.

Mile 5 - Strength

This mile wasn’t about my own strength.  As I was coming up pool hill I was grateful for the strength that both of my kids display daily.  I watch them navigate the tough world of teenagers and I am amazed at their strength.  They inspire me daily with their ability to be themselves.

If you are looking for some motivation to get miles (or any exercise) in from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day, follow @fellowflowers to join their #ffholidaychallenge. 

photo from

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Miles of Gratitude

 Gratitude Miles Today - Nov 8

6.2 Miles

Mile 1 - Health 

I am so thankful that my body allows me to run (mostly walk lately). I am happier when I get miles in.  This mile turned in to gratitude for healthcare workers as I ran past Grant Regional Hospital.  I cannot imagine what life has been like for those on the front lines working so hard to help people stay well.  Thank you to all those that I never see but who are working so hard for the health of all of us right now.

Mile 2 - School and Education

Mile 2 was around the elementary school where I teach.  I reflected on many of my own school experiences.  I am thankful that school has always been something I have loved.  What a privilege it is that I have been able to advance my education past a high school diploma, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and more.  No one can take away the things we “know” but I also love that I am always learning new things and working to improve.

Mile 3 - Music

Music definitely helps me get my miles in. Sometimes I choose pop music while other times I choose country music.  Today I chose Matthew West Radio on Spotify and I was truly touched by the words in the song “Confidence” by Sanctus Real.  These words spoke to me and I know that they will be part of my prayers moving forward:  “Give me faith like Daniel in the lion’s den. Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness. Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense. So I can face my giants with confidence.”  I am grateful for the talent of artists who create music that speaks to my heart.

Mile 4 - Challenges

I thought about quitting early.  I set out for a 10K (6.2) but when I got to City Limits Road, I thought about heading home.  That’s no way to get better.  I am grateful for the challenges that help me improve.  There are many challenges but the ability to persevere is a gift that I hope my kids see in me.  When things get hard, I don’t want to quit.  It’s the hard things that will make me better.  I am grateful for challenges.

Mile 5 - Beauty

The sun was coming up out toward Hwy 129 - absolutely stunning. The fields and the soft glow were beautiful.  As I was back in the residential area, I loved noticing the decorations in yards and even different ways that  houses were decorated. There is so much beauty in nature, too. Noticing and acknowledging things that were different helps us see the beauty even in the ordinary.  I am grateful for the opportunity to find beauty in every day.

Mile 6 - Food

By my 6th mile I really just kept thinking about what I was going to eat for breakfast when I got home.  That one doesn’t quite fit with all the others but it’s just what helped me get the miles in.  I thought about how I would eat a bowl of cereal today. Thank goodness for the food that fuels me daily to heave the energy to do all the things I want to and need to.  I am grateful for food.

During this month of Thanksgiving, I am enjoying the deeper reflection on what I am thankful for.  I love taking the time to count my blessings.  They truly are growing as I name them!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

October Reflection and November Goals


What a perfect day for a Gratitude 10K!  I am so thankful to kick off November with 6.2 miles in the sunshine!

I didn't want to begin my October reflection without a HAPPY HALLOWEEN from my awesomely spooky crew :-)

It seems like today was the perfect combination of things to allow for a little extra reflection.  With the time change, a Sunday, and the first day of a new month, I am thinking back and planning ahead.  

When October began, I looked back at September and saw how inactive I had been (according to my Garmin).  I felt like I would feel better and be more productive overall if I worked on getting in more exercise for the month of October.  I needed a way to "measure" that so I set a measurable goal of getting more days in that met my step goal.  
In September I only met my goal 15 of the days (50%).  My goal for October was to hit 75%.  I met the goal 24/31 days for 77%!!!!!   WooHoo!  Proud of that.  Now I am going to improve on that same goal for November.  If I can meet my step goal 25 out of the 30 days in November, I will be at 83%.  I will work toward that number one day at a time.

I spent quite a few hours at the soccer fields during October and I am so thankful that I got to!!!  When the school year began there were many unknowns and sports (specifically soccer) were one of those things that we just weren't sure about.  Thankfully, Kate got 6 games (one is coming up on Saturday) and I am so glad that she did!  

In the classroom I got to share The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and The Ghost With Red Hair with the 5th graders and those 2 stories are so much fun for me.  I hope they enjoyed them as much as I did!

I enjoyed time with a friend a couple of times for miles and smiles.

While social gatherings are not happening like they used to, I am always reminded that we are not meant to go through struggles alone.  So thankful for family and friends that stick by me even during my quiet moments.

October was a good month and I am confident that November will be even better!

Set some goals for November and do the work to make yourself proud!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Monday, September 21, 2020

Sunday, September 20, 2020

3 Weeks IN


Last night we sat around our backyard fire pit and just enjoyed the calm and quiet.   It was a PERFECT Saturday evening. After busy weeks and early bed times (seriously --- I have been in bed and asleep by 9 pm since August 31), it felt so good to sit outside and just enjoy.  I admired the trees in the backyard.  As I looked at the middle tree along our lot line, I couldn't believe that it was already beginning to change colors.

Tomorrow marks the autumnal equinox.  It's a perfect checkpoint for me to do some reflecting and planning for what's ahead.  It's also a good reflection time for me because I ran my September half-marathon yesterday.

Yesterday's half marathon wasn't like any of the others that I've run before.... There was no start line or finish line.  No fans cheering along the route.  No other runners to chat with before the National Anthem.  It was just me and the route I chose to run.

My race preparation included an 8 week training plan and coaching from The Radiant Runner. While I was hoping to run a sub 2 hour half I wasn't sure it would be possible.  On September 6 I did some goal setting/reflecting about what I should shoot for.  This is what I set out for my goals:  
Not sure a sub 2 is possible.  I haven’t run a 9:05 average on anything.

A goal:  2:05 (a little less than a 9:30 avg)

B goal:  under 2:10

C goal: finish

I knew that I had trained as best that I could. I was starting to think about how I could have eaten better, lost a few pounds, drank more water, strength trained,..... Those thoughts were not going to help me perform at my best so I turned my thoughts to how thankful I am that I get to RUN! I could not let fear win.

"Fear is gradually replaced by excitement and a simple desire to see what you can do on the day."
Lauren Fleshman, American distance runner

Friday night I got to watch Will play in a football scrimmage and then it was a Happy Joe's pizza dinner (that's what we have most Friday nights) and then it was early to bed so that I could be running between 7:30 and 8:00 on Saturday morning. When I woke up on Saturday morning, my stomach was growling. I couldn't believe it. Could I really be hungry? I figured that if I ate anything it would throw off my run so I just ignored it. It worked out pretty well to do that. Here's what I did eat:

There were points of my "race" where I walked. By mile 10 I was definitely struggling. I was upset with myself that I had planned the route to go up pool hill after mile 10. What was I thinking? It may have slowed me down but I didn't stop. I finished my 13.1 miles and met my adjusted A goal!!!

The rest of the day was spent chilling at home. It was a perfect "celebration" of a race well run.

As I was watching a Hallmark movie yesterday afternoon we received the email about a positive COVID case at the middle or high school in our district. It was such an overhwelming flow of emotions. Fear, anger, disappointment were just a few of the feelings. I didn't let those live long. Instead I decided that I will continue to celebrate each day that I get to be in person with my 5th graders. We are having fun together and learning every day. I will not let FEAR win.

In this seasonal shift that marks the autumnal equinox, remember that we get a perfect split of half light and half dark. Choose to share the LIGHT!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Monday, September 7, 2020

Ready for Week 2

 Here are the slides for the week.  The plan is to use just one set of slides for the ENTIRE week.  

Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday's Goodies

All you need for today!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Set Your Mind to Something....and DO IT!


Lancaster in the mornings is a quiet town.  It's my favorite time to roam the streets of town.  In the hours just as the sun rises, it's extremely quiet.  As we run from our house at the southern edge of town to the opposite side where City Limits Road marks a northern border, Kate and I can often count less than 6 cars that go by us during the mile and a half trek.  The sound of a tiny squirrel running up a tree can startle us. I love this quiet time.

  I think my love for this quiet running time is also connected to my love of reading and writing.  These things are done perfectly in quiet.  That isn't to say that I don't love conversation and a little noise too.  I do.  I love the time in my classroom when students are sharing ideas out loud or discussing what they've read.  I love sharing my writing and what I'm reading too - that's why I have this blog 😉😉  But it's about the balance of doing the things that you need to do to be successful.

  This year has been different but it cannot be a year with no goals or hard work.  Even with no races I am continuting to work hard with my running (Thank you, Kaiti, for keepingn me going :-)) 

When my students enter my classroom next week I want to be able to inspire them.  If I am not working toward goals and doing something to better myself, how can I expect them to set a goal and work toward it?  

I hope that the kids who come into my classroom (and those who have already passed through it) know that I care about them and want them to set their mind to something BIG and DO IT!

Go do great things today!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Power, Freedom, and Fortune

The train depot in Thomson can be seen as what was once a symbol of power, freedom, and fortune.  Some people used that depot and the train as their way out (freedom) while others were making their honest living (fortune) on the rails.   We can't forget train song lyrics about "leaving on a midnight train" or the Freight Train Boogie and the power of Casey Jones.  There is something truly powerful and freeing about trains, tracks, and the depots that connect them.

 I was so happy to make it to the train depot in Thomson on one of my long for me bike rides.  It gave me a chance to reflect on how Thomson, Illinois, gave me freedom and fortune in so many ways.  While I couldn't wait to leave Thomson as soon as I graduated from high school, I learned so much in that small town that is linked to other small towns along the Mississippi River by the railroad tracks that connect them. 

Riding my bike from Savanna to Thomson was a great chance to think about all the times I'd driven on Riverview Road as I was learning to drive or even just crusing on a Friday or Saturday night. 
This summer (well really even all the months since March) have allowed me to do more reflecting than usual.  

 During my ride I also was struck by the many cactus along the route.  I was struck by them.  I am a horrible gardener.  In fact, my hanging baskets on my porch right now have been sadly neglected and really just need to be thrown out.  The cactus also had an immediate connection for me to the picture book Nobody Hugs a Cactus (You should look for it.  It's a quick read.)  I thought about the defense of the prickly needles.  There aren't any beautiful blooms or gorgeous flowers on these prickly little plants but I sure do believe that when they are in the right environment - they bloom in their own way.  That's true about me.  In the right environment I am a ROCKSTAR.  I've spent a lot of time looking for the right places for myself and I am so thankful for finding them.

Now the hard part is avoiding the places where I'm not meant for.  What is a desert environment for you?  Where do you get all the things you need (the fertilizer, sunlight, water, proper weeding)? 
Lucky for me I have an amazing family who help me bloom.

 44 years of blooming!  I can't believe that I celebrated my 44th birthday in July.        

 Virtual races are a great chance to get together with running/fitness friends.  Fellow Flowers has a great virtual series and they just let us know that they have a race series coming to Madison, WI, in 2021!   It's sure to be a great one.

 So much of my sanity during these last 5 months has come from running.  While races don't seem to be an option this fall, I am training to run my half marathon on September 19 or 20.  7 more weeks of good, smart training with the plan from @the_radiant_runner

I'm not letting this unusual summer ruin our fun.  We are running, riding bikes, and trying new things, too.  Saturday we went kayaking for the first time was HARD for me.  I'm glad we did it.  I can check it off the bucket list.

So pack to the title.  What mades you think of power, freedom, and fortune?  At first I thought of the railroad tracks, trains, the depots in small towns along the river.  
If you are in the right environment and have the right encouragement, you will have all the power, freedom, and fortune that you need.  

 Here's to a new month ( I know it's August 2 but I started thinking about this post yesterday so it's still a pretty new month.) and getting closer to your goals---power, freedom, and fortune.  They're yours if you go for them.

Side note - After a slight COVID delay, I am so excited to report that Kate has her license.....Now I just need to quit worrying every time she leaves the house.

If you stuck with my rambling this long - thanks!