The train depot in Thomson can be seen as what was once a symbol of power, freedom, and fortune. Some people used that depot and the train as their way out (freedom) while others were making their honest living (fortune) on the rails. We can't forget train song lyrics about "leaving on a midnight train" or the Freight Train Boogie and the power of Casey Jones. There is something truly powerful and freeing about trains, tracks, and the depots that connect them.
I was so happy to make it to the train depot in Thomson on one of my long for me bike rides. It gave me a chance to reflect on how Thomson, Illinois, gave me freedom and fortune in so many ways. While I couldn't wait to leave Thomson as soon as I graduated from high school, I learned so much in that small town that is linked to other small towns along the Mississippi River by the railroad tracks that connect them.
Riding my bike from Savanna to Thomson was a great chance to think about all the times I'd driven on Riverview Road as I was learning to drive or even just crusing on a Friday or Saturday night.
This summer (well really even all the months since March) have allowed me to do more reflecting than usual.
During my ride I also was struck by the many cactus along the route. I was struck by them. I am a horrible gardener. In fact, my hanging baskets on my porch right now have been sadly neglected and really just need to be thrown out. The cactus also had an immediate connection for me to the picture book
Nobody Hugs a Cactus (You should look for it. It's a quick read.) I thought about the defense of the prickly needles. There aren't any beautiful blooms or gorgeous flowers on these prickly little plants but I sure do believe that when they are in the right environment - they bloom in their own way. That's true about me. In the right environment I am a ROCKSTAR. I've spent a lot of time looking for the right places for myself and I am so thankful for finding them.
Now the hard part is avoiding the places where I'm not meant for. What is a desert environment for you? Where do you get all the things you need (the fertilizer, sunlight, water, proper weeding)?
Lucky for me I have an amazing family who help me bloom.
44 years of blooming! I can't believe that I celebrated my 44th birthday in July.

Virtual races are a great chance to get together with running/fitness friends.
Fellow Flowers has a great virtual series and they just let us know that they have a race series coming to Madison, WI, in 2021! It's sure to be a great one.
So much of my sanity during these last 5 months has come from running. While races don't seem to be an option this fall, I am training to run my half marathon on September 19 or 20. 7 more weeks of good, smart training with the plan from
I'm not letting this unusual summer ruin our fun. We are running, riding bikes, and trying new things, too. Saturday we went kayaking for the first time was HARD for me. I'm glad we did it. I can check it off the bucket list.
So pack to the title. What mades you think of power, freedom, and fortune? At first I thought of the railroad tracks, trains, the depots in small towns along the river.
If you are in the right environment and have the right encouragement, you will have all the power, freedom, and fortune that you need.
Here's to a new month ( I know it's August 2 but I started thinking about this post yesterday so it's still a pretty new month.) and getting closer to your goals---power, freedom, and fortune. They're yours if you go for them.
Side note - After a slight COVID delay, I am so excited to report that Kate has her license.....Now I just need to quit worrying every time she leaves the house.
If you stuck with my rambling this long - thanks!