Be different
Albert Einstein invented pizza. I though you would want to be
like him. Because I thought that would be cool. To be like Elbert you would
have pizza this Thanksgiving.
One reason not to have turkey this Thanksgiving
is it is very dry. It is so dry that you would not even be able to bite into
it. So it is hard and on top of that it tastes gross. This turkey is so dry
that it would suck the water right out of your gutters.
Also it is so filling. You will be
full right when you take one bite. Do you know how big a turkey is? Last time I
had a turkey it was so big that it filled up my whole refrigerator and it was
the only thing that was in there. There is 90% of fat in the turkey.
Everyone is having turkey this year.
Be the odd one out. It would be cool to be the odd one out and you would be popular. Being different is
always fun. Make your own trend by having pizza this year.
Don’t choose turkey this Thanksgiving
choose pizza from ” Happy Joes “ because you could get rabies from the turkey.
Don’t choose turkey!
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