Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hero Day

We are lucky to have 90 minutes for math each day.  We are just getting started with our multiplication study and we are using those 90 minutes to the fullest!
The students came back from lunch today and we created all the possible dot arrays for 24:  1 x 24, 2 x 12, 3 x 8, and 4 x 6.

After the dot arrays, we began building arrays with unifix cubes.  We started with building all possible arrays for 4. 
We worked our way up to 16.
Ask your 4th grader if they can tell you how many arrays can be made for the number 9!
I love the way that we are learning and talking about our thinking EVERY DAY!  

We do so many fabulous things at Winskill that I don't always tell you about all of them, but dressing up for Homecoming is definitely a favorite thing for many of us.  Today was HERO DAY!  Check out these great idols that the 4th graders want to be like:  dads, moms, doctors, veterinarians, football players, and so many more.


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