Friday, June 25, 2021

Friday Five

 Hello and Happy FRIYAY!   This week marks the mid point of 2021.

Here's a #fun #fridayfive of #summer  for my 900th Instagram post:

1.  Summer is my favorite season.  One of my favorite things during the summer months is fireworks!

2. While I am not an outdoorsy person I do love time outside.  This week I spent time outdoors walking, running, reading, and just relaxing.  Hopefully I will get some biking time outside next week.

3. As much as I love summer and outdoors, I don't like swimming.   I hated swimming lessons as a kid.  My younger sister was in a higher swim level than I was by the time I was in 3rd grade.  I admire anyone who swims/lifeguards because I couldn't ever do it.

4. My favorite TV show right now is Rebel with Katey Sagal and Andy Garcia.  I'm a little behind on episodes.  Maybe I love the show for its storyline or maybe I love the show because of Andy Garcia.   Have you seen it?

5. I'm currently reading Radium Girls and it is absolutely intriguing to me. Even though it's about the early 1900s, it's really making me think differently about things today.  If you've read it (or seen the movie), I'd love to know what you thought. 

#headupheartout #fridayfive #ffcrew #zoomarunclub #fellowflowers #stillirun 


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