Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Are you Looking for Something More?

This year (and maybe even some of 2018) I have been trying to do all things with my mantra, "Head up, heart out."  As I try to own my story and really dig into it, I want to share with you a program that I am embarking on soon.  I share it with you with the hopes that you may decide that you'd like to be a part of it!

When Will won his Super Bowl Surprise, it was because of a short essay he wrote about my dad.  Once upon a time I was writing regularly.  Since switching to teach in Wisconsin, I find myself hiding my story and not writing it out.  I don't need others to read my story but I know that there is value in just owning my story.  The program I am beginning with Mel Charbonneau is sure to help me find my voice again. 

Want to know more?
Click HERE!

If you do decide to join in, please let Mel know that I (Margaret Bussan) sent you.


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