Thursday, May 16, 2024

Catching UP!

 WOWSERS.  It has been awhile since I wrote anything here....

I could give you a million excuses.  That's all they would be.  Excuses.  

Instead I'd like to do a little brain dump of some of my recent events.

Yesterday was Will's baccalaureate.  I am not sure why, but I am not feeling sad at all....  I am proud. I am proud that the kid who cried daily in kindergarten and near daily in 1st grade is going to be walking across the stage at graduation with a National Honor Society stoll and gold chords.  He has done the work.  I often say that Will is my "me." He has the good and the not so good.

At the service last night, there were two excellent speakers.  The big message from both of them was, "Be a light."  

Here's what I will leave you with today:

"Remember, even the smallest light can brighten the darkest places. Your kindness, compassion, and positive energy have the power to inspire and uplift those around you. When you shine your light, you not only illuminate your own path but also help others find their way. Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people. In a world that can often seem dim, your light makes all the difference. Keep shining brightly and let your light touch as many lives as possible."