Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Reflection

As I was thinking about the year that will end in less than 7 hours, I googled the word "reflection" just to see what I would find.  The results DID truly surprise me.  One result that stood out to me was, "The pulse is a reflection of the heart's condition."  I loved this example because of how I truly believe that I lead with my heart.  Tying reflection in with heart seemed perfect to me!  Another example that I reread was, "abrupt change in the direction of propagation of a wave that strikes the boundary between different mediums."  That one made me think of my physics class (memories of traveling to Savanna High School with Mr. Krahn each day).  Might have been a little too science-y for me....Then I read another one that was science related but I liked:  the return of light or sound from a surface.  That sounded good to me.  Connected with karma to me:   what you give off, you get back.  

THEN I found what I was really looking for.  Reflection when you write about experiences and explore how you have developed, changed, or grown from those experiences.   Ding, ding, ding.  We have a winner.  So here goes my reflection on 2019.

I began the year with some big goals and big ideas.  I was planning to Run the Year (2019 miles) and I wanted to PR with my half marathon finish time.  That meant breaking 1:51.  I hadn't broken 2 hours in a half since 2017.  I had 9 chances to reach the half marathon PR goal although my first half of 2019 was going  a "fun" half in Washington, DC, with my sister in honor of my dad.  Even so there were 8 other opportunities to work hard and show myself what I could do.  SPOILER ALERT:  I didn't reach the half marathon PR goal.  I did however run (or intentionally walk) the miles to make 2019.   I completed 2152 miles of intentional movement which breaks down to be just under 5.9 miles per day.  I'm proud of that.

My races went so much differently from how I had envisioned them.  I STRUGGLED with my running this year.  I still enjoyed going to the races and I am beyond thankful for the friends that I was able to spend time with at races/race weekends/ and while running.  I hope that I am ending 2019 stronger than I was when the year began.  

My first race of 2019 was the DC half.  I finished with a really great for me time: 2:04.  My final race was the Galena Fall River Half marathon and I was not even sure I would be able to run it.  Leading up to that race I had days where I could barely walk.  I saw a chiropractor for the first time.  I went to Acute Care in an effort to be able to run. I drank beet juice daily that week in hopes that it would have amazing healing powers....it was a miserable run but a fun weekend with amazing friends.  

It was a good year to see Washington DC in March with my mom, sister, and family.  

It was fun to travel to Indiana twice for races (March and September).  Once to celebrate my cousin's 40th birthday (although I dropped to the 5k due to weather) and once to run with Rosa and many Flower Friends.

I laughed often and did not quit.  

I chased some dreams and while I didn't meet the goal of a half PR, I kept showing up.

I am blessed with amazing friends who are willing to meet up to run and who motivate me to be a better me.

I experienced some lows along the way.  Life is not easy and I need to put in work with my marriage and my family in the same way that I put in work with my classroom/teaching and with my running.  During the last month of 2019, we attended 7 visitations and funerals.  It definitely helped me put into perspective the need for CELEBRATING!

I also experienced some things that are reason to celebrate.  I FINALLY have a lifetime WI teaching license after a long and frustrating process.

It's easy to say that I didn't meet my goals for 2019, but I have to celebrate by letting go and looking forward. 

Here's to ending 2019 on a good note.  I am so thankful for ALL of the experiences of 2019.  If you were a part of those experiences with me - THANK YOU!   I hope you will be an even bigger part of my 2020!

Here are the goals I have for 2020:
Enjoy more--- Enjoy more time and runs with friends.  Enjoy more time with my husband and kids.  Enjoy moving at my own pace whatever that will be in 2020.  Enjoy more of being on this life journey.  Enjoy more reflecting and writing about my walk through life. 

I will try new things (serving on the MVRA board, completing my 316 reading endorsement, and being in a new and exciting challenge group - DLB's Accountability Group).  I will move beyond my comfort zone.  I will get past my fears so that I cane get closer to my dreams.  

I will connect with those who have touched my life and follow up with plans to meet in person with those who I value.  

I will continue to live my motto:  #headupheartout

Here's to the possibilities that a new year brings and all the opportunities is has for living in the moment!