Today during our inservice time we were asked to participate in an activity called 3Hs.
Share your hero, hardship, and highlight in 2 minutes with a card partner.
I have many people that I respect and admire but my easy answer for a hero is my dad.
It was my biggest hardship to watch my dad die. I watched it happen quickly beginning May 17, 2017 and with his final breath on June 12, 2017. That was HARD. I watched and could do nothing. Some of our weekends during his final month were spent in the hospital in Iowa City. It became ice cream for dinner and swimming parties at the hotel when visiting hours were over. My sister and I spent Memorial Day evening with him and we listened to him tell stories that we'd never heard before. When he came home on June 9, we knew it was near the end and I am so glad that we all spent that morning eating donuts with him in the living room.
Another hardship for me is whenever my kids struggle. I want to rescue them. I want them to live an ideal life. I cannot solve all of their problems for them.
It is my biggest highlight to celebrate successes with my kids. It is a highlight of my hard days to get to come home and spend time with them.
I have many more thoughts on these 3Hs but I hope you will take a few minutes to think about your own answers to the 3Hs.
Open House is Thursday Night from 4:30 to 6. Hope to see you there!