Friday, March 23, 2018

Halfway Finished with FORWARD!

We've had a busy week and it feels good to know that we only have 4 more days of FORWARD testing.  We've been writing poems, learning about agriculture, and mastering fractions during the non-testing parts of our school day.

Check out the NEWSLETTER Here!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Wrapping up the Week

As you may know if you follow our blog, I set a couple of big running goals this year.  One is to run 2018 miles.  A second one is to train, fundraise, and run as a St. Jude Hero in Nashville. The other is to PR at the half marathon distance (which means beating a 1:51).

Since January 1, I have run over 290 miles.  It was time to get some new shoes for all the miles so I asked the kids to help me decide on a pair.  We voted on Wednesday morning and my new shoes should be at my doorstep when I arrive home tonight!

The race is also on for FORWARD testing.  We start Monday and finish on March 29.

Check out all the details of what's been happening by reading our NEWSLETTER!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Marching In....Lion or Lamb?

It's a week into March...We are currently on spring break but I wanted to make sure you could access the newsletter from Friday, March 2.

I'll check in again soon!

HERE is the newsletter.