Thursday, April 13, 2017

Wrapping up the week

We were able to get 2 FORWARD tests in this week along with the Pioneer Farm Field Trip and a virtual field trip to Wolf Farms.

As if that wasn't enough we enjoyed animal visits with Braxton's dogs and Leah's rabbits!

Enjoy the long weekend.  If you are looking for the latest newsletter or spelling list, click HERE.

Monday, April 3, 2017


WARNING---This post is not related to school At All!

Saturday I ran 1/2 marathon #27 in my quest to finish 30 before my 40th year is over.  First of all I have to say that 13.1 miles is no small feat.  Anyone who takes it on is brave.  While I had 3 goals set (A, B, and C), for this race, I was too scared to really share those goals out loud with anyone except for Roger.  This race was the Parkinson's Half Marathon in Cottage Grove.  I was excited about so many things that went along with this event.  I was excited because it was for a cause.  All the proceeds benefit Parkinson's research.  I was excited because I knew many people that were running and I was looking forward to meeting up with them.  I was excited because my kids were running
the 5k and that meant we'd get to enjoy some hotel time/pool relaxing on Friday night.  I could continue this list....I was excited.

The kids and I had planned to leave Lancaster as soon as I got home from school.  The bags were packed and I just needed to run in, grab everything, and we would be off.  It was a little later than I had hoped but we were on the road by 4:00.  The sweaty hands, sweaty back, nervousness that I get before races set in as we were driving.  I don't know if that feeling will ever stop.  Smooth travels got us into Cottage Grove for Packet Pick Up by about 6:15.  Just minutes away was our hotel.  Check in went easily and the kids were ready for the pool by 7.

The rest of the running crew arrived a little after 8 and pizza delivery was ordered.  It was nearly 10 pm when we settled in for pizza in hotel room and then we were quickly catching a few zzzzzs.  We watched the weather and then turned on some Friends reruns.  Felt almost like home except that there were no cuddly black cats crawling on the bed and I didn't have the 6 billion pillows and blankets that I usually sleep with!  I was out in no time but it didn't last long.  I woke up about 1 am thinking it was time to get up.  I woke up about 2 am to check on Will and see if he was warm enough since he had no blanket.  I woke up about 3 am to go to the bathroom.  My alarm went off at 5 am to get ready.

By 6 am we were downstairs having a warm pre-race breakfast.  Mmmmm.  Oatmeal.  Perfect race day fuel.

We were going to need a late check out since the race didn't start until 8 and we didn't want to miss any of the after race fun.  The lady at the desk assured me that if I just let them know in the morning, it would be no problem....well, it was a problem.  I talked to the gentleman at the desk and he said there was no way that he could approve a late check out for us.  Panic feeling filled my whole body.  What would do?  We were leaving in minutes and we were not prepared to take everything with us.  We had hoped to return to the hotel to shower after the race.

Attempting to get the late check out was frustrating to me.  They were very unwilling to really budge about giving us time.  The best we could get was noon.  Frustration seemed to continue as we prepared to leave...As we got outside there was a layer of frost on my car--no scraper so I used a knife I found in my glovebox.  The key turned in the ignition and instantly the low fuel ding ding ding began to sound.  There wasn't going to be time to get gas before the race....I just hoped I would have enough gas to get to the race!

We made it to the start of the race with time to spare.  We got an awesome parking spot super close to the start/finish line.  As we walked over to the start I ate a UCAN breakfast bar.  While I do think it helped me never have stomach issues while I ran, I am not sure if I really liked it.

Headed over to the port a potties and found my long-time virtual friend who had "told" me about this race!  

With the release of the balloons and the singing of The Star Spangled Banner by Mariah Carey (a recording), I was off and running!
This girl amazes me!  She ran her 1st ever 1/2 on Saturday and never walked a step.
She is super fit but hadn't run more than a couple of miles at a time
since our 10 mile race in October 2016.  She is a ROCKSTAR!

 These cool cats did the 5k that started a 1/2 hour later and then they watched and cheered for the 1/2 marathon finishers.

as I crossed the finish line!

A PB was set by this great runner on Saturday, too!  
Love getting to see running friends! 

 We truly are #fiercelyunited!

I was able to complete #27 with a better time than any of my 2016 halves....In 2016, I never beat 2:13.   This season started out with a 2:05:05.    What a great way to kick off the 2017 running season.  What did I do well leading up to the race?  WATER.  I still had my diet Orange Sunkist but every day the week before the race I drank 80 plus ounces of water.  Decent diet.  I was eating cereal every day for breakfast, yogurt and apples for lunch and a pretty balanced dinner.   The only day that I strayed from this was Thursday of race week.  What can I improve on?  My running miles.  I'd like to run more double digit runs.  A PR might not happen in Nashville, but I know that if I work at it, I can PR before the end of my 40th year!  I will definitely be planning to run this race again in 2018.