As I sat down to write this, the first thing that I did was to look at what I wrote on my final newsletter in 2013. I wrote about ROUTINES. Taken from my Classroom At The End Blog: "The power of the routine was instilled in me early. I like routine because it is what I know. It is what I am used to. I must admit though that the veering is good, too. When you break from routine, you learn new things and learning IS fun! While many of the things we did this week were part of the routine, we also did things to change it up. As you celebrate the holidays, remember to do those things that are rituals but also dare to be adventurous. Try something new! Learn something FUN!" Man were those great words of advice. I needed to read those words. These last 4 months have been hard on me. I've been pretty hard on myself. I need to celebrate that I took a chance. I broke from my routine and I changed things up (BIG TIME!). Today I celebrate the great possibilities that lie ahead. I saw one of my students at the hockey game on Sunday. I got a phone call from another because she was excited to share good news. I saw 2 4th graders at the basketball game last night and I got to hear all about how much they are enjoying their holiday break. I can do this! I can own this new adventure and I recognize that there are moments worth celebrating. This is a bit of rambling but it all leads to where I need to pick my word for 2015. You can find a list of all kinds of possible words HERE.
So I head into 2015 with this word:
May you choose a word to help you through each day of 2015! We've got this. Shine on!